Ded Serius


Ded Serius - Slackware Alpha Packages Ded Serius
Michel Verdier

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RedHat 7.1 MILO Alpha


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Slackware Packages

These packages have been compiled with the Slackware makepkg utility for a Milo-based Dec Alpha 7.2 Slackware 64-bit installation ... They should work for an SRM/ARC Alpha, as well. I haven't heard...

Click on the URL to download, and, perhaps, install the package...
File Name Last Changed Size
  php.ini:  2020-11-30 22:15:29    0.58 Kbytes  
  error_log:  2020-11-24 19:47:05    12808.99 Kbytes  
  style-js.php:  2020-10-18 21:50:59    0.70 Kbytes  
  error_log-20191006145615EDT.gz:  2019-10-05 09:32:09    67.72 Kbytes  
  php-4.0.4pl1.tgz:  2001-03-12 19:24:28    14248.00 Kbytes  
  mysql-alpha-3.23.33.tgz:  2001-03-12 19:24:04    16115.05 Kbytes  
  apache_1.3.17-alpha-php4.0.4pl1-mysql-3.23.33.tgz:  2001-03-12 19:23:37    10564.55 Kbytes  
2,697,941 hits since July 28, 2006.

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I updated this page on Wednesday December 31, 1969 5:00:00 PM Van

If you just came here for the MIDIs:

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