Ded Serius


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Michel Verdier

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Until 2001, I was strictly rock & roll, but some keen influences in my personal life have broadened my musical sphere tremendously.  I have Mike Bolenbach, Bill Gemma, Ryan Baker, Jason Southard, Layden Robinson, Marcus Weeden, Ron Massey, Lindsey Noel (my sister) and countless others to thank for turning me on to Funk, Country & Western, Hip Hop, Soul, Folk, Fusion, and standards like those from Count Basey, George Gershwin, and Louis Armstrong.  So, in no particular order:

If you think I should listen to someone not listed here, please send me an  e-mail and tell me why you think I should open up my ears to them.

16,739,895 hits since July 28, 2006.

Mail me, with your comments.
I updated this page on Wednesday December 31, 1969 5:00:00 PM Van

If you just came here for the MIDIs:

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