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The First CD, Wasted Tears

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Ded Serius:  Wasted  Tears

Wasted Tears is a compilation of songs written between 1988 and 1993: The Navy/College years

The links below will navigate you to MIDI's associated with songs I wrote during the Wasted Tears era.  I may, or may not, have newer musical renderings.  It's all smoke -n mirrors from this musicians standpoint.  The songs flow in the head, but, feedback makes more songs come to surface.

Order Me: $8.00 plus s/h

The Song


Seems I'll

There's no method to the madness.

Wasted Tears

In the late hours of night, don't cry. Just feel.

Pour No Water

If you ever find yourself falling in love. Just let yourself fall.

Black Ball

Sometimes, it's better to go after the girl. Even if it means getting kicked out of your fraternity.


There's somethin' about love; a pretty girl, and feeling funny about it. Wish it came around more often.

Violet Blues

The Redder side of feeling' blue.

Just a Dream

If I had half a brain, I'd read between my lines.

Living in a Cartoon

You don't have to date Dagwood, Red, but, I've gotta take Snoopy out for a walk.

Ostracising the Ostrich

It's just a bird.

Walkin' Away

Don't let the door hit your ass as you leave.

Fear of Success

When you fear having to succeed more than once.


Nothin' better describes Van.

New Years Day

Aren't we glad the good lord gave us another day?

What Will Become of this Boy?

I just hope it isn't adulthood.


Sometimes, you just have to party. All work and all that.

The Second CD,

Focus focuses on getting you focused on what you were born to focus on. >:)

I've been lying about developments on Focus since Aug of 1998. Truthfully, I've been too busy working on Linux advocacy and I should find my musical roots again. If you agree, send mail to Van, nee: Songwriter.

In memory of Vincenza Feola, a lovely lady who died 6:41 PST 10/20/98

Really Old But Still Quite Active! >:)My thoughts on some of the most inferior software & hardward vendors out there. I wouldn't make these points if these companies' products hadn't cost me exorbitant money and time in testing how deficient they are: Turtle Beach, Lansource, Plustek, and, understood: MicroSoft, and more to come. Maybe now these people will respond to my complaints. >:)

16,884,518 hits since July 28, 2006.

Mail me, with your comments.
I updated this page on Wednesday December 31, 1969 5:00:00 PM Van

If you just came here for the MIDIs:

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